
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the investment in classroom and other technology at Rockhurst University is protected, and to promote responsible and appropriate use of this technology.


  1. All classroom and other technology equipment provided by Rockhurst, including but not limited to computers, projectors, audio-visual systems, printers/copiers, and other technological devices, are the property of Rockhurst University and are provided for the purpose of enhancing the educational experience of students and faculty.
  2. Disabling, tampering with, or disconnecting any classroom or other technology equipment is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, unplugging, removing, or disabling any cables, cords, or devices. Any intentional damage or disruption to the classroom or other technology equipment is considered a violation of this policy and may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to fines, suspension of technology privileges, or academic consequences.
  3. Users are responsible for the proper use and care of all classroom and other technology equipment. This includes ensuring that the equipment is used for educational purposes only and is not used for any illegal or unauthorized activities.
  4. Users are required to return the classroom and other technology equipment to the state in which it was found at the beginning of the class or session. This includes, but is not limited to, shutting down computers and other devices, logging out of any accounts, and returning any equipment to their original location.
  5. Users are prohibited from installing or downloading any software or apps on classroom and other technology equipment without proper authorization from Rockhurst University's IT department. This includes, but is not limited to, software updates, plugins, extensions, or any other programs that may affect the security or functionality of the equipment.
  6. Users are not allowed to move or relocate any classroom and other technology equipment without proper authorization from Rockhurst University's IT department. This includes, but is not limited to, computers, monitors, projectors, printers, and audio-visual systems. Any changes to the physical setup of the classroom and other Rockhurst technology equipment must be coordinated with the IT department to ensure proper installation and functionality.
  7. Users are expected to report any issues, damage, or malfunctions of the classroom and other technology equipment to Rockhurst University's Computer Services Help Desk immediately. This includes, but is not limited to, hardware failures, software issues, or any other problems that may affect the functionality or security of the equipment.
  8. Violations of this Classroom and Other Technology Use Policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to fines, suspension of technology privileges, or academic consequences. Repeat offenders may face additional consequences, including loss of access to classroom technology equipment and/or suspension or expulsion from Rockhurst University.


By following this policy, users of classroom and other technology at Rockhurst University can help ensure that this technology remains functional and useful for all. Responsible use of classroom technology will help to maintain a positive learning environment and promote academic success.  By using Rockhurst University's classroom and other technology equipment, users acknowledge and agree to abide by this policy. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the loss of access to classrooms and other technology equipment and may have further consequences as outlined above.