
The purpose of this Physical Document and Electronic Media Disposal Policy is to establish guidelines for Rockhurst University to ensure the secure disposal of physical documents and electronic media. This policy aims to protect sensitive information and maintain compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as data privacy and security standards.


This policy applies to all departments, employees, contractors, and third-party vendors associated with Rockhurst University. It encompasses the disposal of physical documents, including paper records and printed materials, as well as electronic media, such as computer hard drives, USB drives, CDs, DVDs, and other storage devices.


  1. Physical Documents: Refers to any printed or written information, including but not limited to paper records, documents, and other physical media.
  2. Electronic Media: Refers to any form of digital data storage, including computer hard drives, USB drives, CDs, DVDs, and other electronic storage devices.
  3. Authorized Vendor: A reputable vendor authorized by Rockhurst University to handle the disposal of physical documents or electronic media.

Physical Document Disposal Procedures

  1. All physical documents containing sensitive information must be securely shredded using cross-cut shredders or other approved methods before disposal.
  2. Departments and employees are responsible for identifying documents that contain sensitive information and ensuring their proper disposal.
  3. Sensitive information includes, but is not limited to, personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, medical records, student records, and any confidential or proprietary information.
  4. Designated collection points for physical documents should be established within each department or centralized areas for easy and secure disposal.
  5. Rockhurst University shall engage an authorized vendor specializing in secure document destruction services to collect, transport, and shred the disposed physical documents on a regular basis.
  6. The authorized vendor must provide a certificate of destruction for all shredded documents, indicating the date, time, and method of destruction.

Electronic Media Disposal Procedures

  1. All electronic media must be securely wiped to remove all data before disposal.
  2. The wiping process must use industry-standard methods to ensure complete erasure and render the data irrecoverable.
  3. IT personnel or authorized third-party vendors shall perform electronic wiping using approved software or hardware tools.
  4. Prior to disposal, departments and employees are responsible for backing up any data they wish to retain from electronic devices.
  5. Rockhurst University shall engage an authorized vendor specializing in electronic media disposal to collect, transport, and securely wipe the disposed electronic media devices.
  6. The authorized vendor must provide a certificate of data erasure for all electronic media devices, indicating the date, time, and method of disposal.

Employee Awareness and Training

  1. Rockhurst University will conduct regular security training and awareness programs to educate employees about the importance of physical document and electronic media disposal.
  2. Employees must be familiar with this policy and adhere to the prescribed procedures for the secure disposal of physical documents and electronic media.
  3. New employees should receive appropriate training on this policy during their onboarding process.

Policy Violations

  1. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, which can include but is not limited to verbal or written warnings, suspension, termination, or legal action.
  2. Suspected violations of this policy should be reported to the appropriate department or supervisor.

Policy Review

  1. This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to reflect changes in technology, best practices, or regulatory requirements.
  2. Any proposed changes to this policy must be reviewed and approved by Rockhurst Computer Services.

By following this Physical Document and Electronic Media Disposal Policy, Rockhurst University aims to safeguard sensitive information, maintain compliance, and ensure the secure disposal of physical documents and electronic media.