Policy Statement:

Email is a vital tool for communication within Rockhurst University's community, comprising both employees and students. This comprehensive Email Use Policy is designed to ensure the responsible, secure, and efficient use of the University's email system. We have incorporated the most current corporate and security best practices, aligned with the legal and ethical standards for large universities.

1. Purpose and Scope - This policy aims to:

  • Promote effective communication within the University community.
  • Safeguard University data and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
  • Ensure that email usage aligns with ethical standards and legal requirements.
  • Foster a secure email environment that mitigates risks associated with data breaches and cyber threats.

This policy applies to all employees, students, and affiliates of Rockhurst University who use University-provided email accounts and systems.

2. Responsible Parties - The University's IT Department is responsible for enforcing and administering this policy. The department should stay informed about current email security threats and best practices, continuously enhancing the University's email security measures.

3. Acceptable Use - Acceptable uses of the University email system include:

  • Official University communications.
  • Academic and research-related purposes.
  • Administrative and business functions in support of the University's mission.

4. Prohibited Uses - Prohibited uses of the University email system include:

  • Sending offensive or discriminatory content, including but not limited to material with derogatory remarks about gender, race, age, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
  • Distributing illegal or unauthorized material.
  • Engaging in spam, phishing, or any malicious activities.
  • Violating intellectual property rights.
  • Any activity that violates applicable laws and regulations.

5. Security and Privacy

  • Users must protect their email accounts through strong, confidential passwords.
  • The University may access and monitor email accounts to ensure security, compliance, and operational integrity.
  • Email data is subject to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Confidential and sensitive information should be securely shared and stored.

6. Data Protection and Confidentiality - Users are obligated to protect University information, adhering to data protection regulations. Sensitive or confidential information should not be shared without appropriate security measures.

7. Legal Compliance - Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including anti-discrimination laws, intellectual property rights, and industry-specific requirements.

8. Personal Use - While limited personal use of university email accounts is allowed, such use should not hinder work or academic responsibilities, compromise security, or violate this policy.

9. Commercial and Business-Related Uses - Using University email addresses or systems for commercial or business purposes unrelated to the University's mission is not permitted.

10. Email Forwarding - Email received at university addresses may not be automatically forwarded to non-University addresses to protect against data loss and security risks.

11. Chain or Joke Letters - Creating or forwarding chain letters or joke emails from university email addresses or systems is prohibited, as they can be disruptive and unprofessional.

12. Monitoring and Recording - The University may monitor and record email messages for security, compliance, and operational reasons. While not all email activity is continually monitored, the University reserves the right to do so.

13. Reporting Violations - Employees and students are encouraged to report policy violations promptly to Computer Services and Human Resources. Violations may result in disciplinary actions in accordance with university policies.

14. Email Retention and Archiving - The University has email retention and archiving policies to comply with legal requirements and industry regulations.  Please refer to Rockhurst University’s eMail Retention Policy.

15. Updates and Revisions - This policy may be updated to reflect changes in technology, laws, or regulations. Users will be informed of updates as they occur.


Rockhurst University's Email Use Policy is built on the foundation of current corporate and security best practices to ensure the responsible and secure use of email communication. All members of the University community share the responsibility of upholding this policy, which aims to protect the University's reputation, data, and security. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary actions in accordance with university policies.